sábado, 24 de abril de 2010
Due date: May 3rd, 2010
Objective: Create/write a research-based Blog, built around your own original work.
¥ Work in pairs, no individual work will be accepted.
¥ Choose from any of the following three main topics: a) Hollywood Early Years & Golden Age, b) World Cinemas and c) Best Directors of all Times.
¥ Consider resources such as books, magazines, journals, DVDs, audio, newspapers and the Internet to research your topic.
¥ Consider information on facts, discoveries, people, your ideas & opinion about the topic to write the Blog. Enrich your work/Blog.
¥ Support your ideas, thoughts and reflections, provide a background for them; be a critical writer.
¥ Include a reflection/link to education and in particular to language teaching.
¥ Include text, image and sound to illustrate your work and findings.
¥ Link to reliable sources.
¥ Cite your sources (DO NOT PLAGARIZE). All work found to be copied directly from another source will be graded with a 1.0.
¥ Present your Blog to the class on May 3rd. Consider 10 minutes maximum per group for your presentation. Both students have to participate.
¥ Be creative!
Blog: 20%
Presentation: 10%
Total: 30%